
  • 英超:利物浦(13轮,8球)
  • 西甲:马德里竞技(15轮,8球)
  • 意甲:那不勒斯(14轮,9球)、尤文图斯(14轮,8球)
  • 德甲:拜仁慕尼黑(12轮,8球)



This season, in the top five European leagues, there are 5 teams that have conceded less than double-digit goals:

  • Premier League:Liverpool (13 matches, 8 goals)
  • :Atletico Madrid (15 matches, 8 goals)
  • . < li >< b > Serie A: Napoli(14 rounds ,9 balls ), Juventus(14 rounds , 8 balls )< / li > < li >< b > Bundesliga: Bayern Munich(12 rounds , 1 ball)< / ul >