周一307 美职篮 克利夫兰骑士 VS 金州勇士
比赛时间:2024年12月31日 11:00
截至目前,勇士战绩为16胜15负,目前排在西部第9的位置。他们每场平均能得到112积分,而失掉110.5积分。在刚结束的一场与太阳的较量中,以109-105赢得比赛,从而终结了自己的三连败。其中库里斩获22比分外加6个篮板和6次助攻;格林同样表现突出,有16份8籃以及7次协作;年轻小将库明加更是一人独揽34份9籃。然而,不可否认的是36岁的库里近期缺乏足够稳定性,对此他受到了一些批评声浪。这让面对擅长投射能力超群且具备多个得 分选项 的 骑 士 , 勇 士 将 面 临 一 定 挑 战 。
< p > 在过去 六 场 比 赛 中, 勇 士 与 骑 士 各 获 得 三 胜 三 负. p > --- < p >< strong > 周一308美职篮球 达拉斯独行侠VS萨克拉门托国王 strong > p > < p > 比赛时间:2024年12月31日 11:00 P > < h2 >< strong > 客 队 达 拉斯 独 行 驰 : Strong > H2 >独行侠当前战绩为20胜12负,占据西部第四的位置,其间每晚可以获得117.7积分,同时失去111.5积分。但在前一次面临开拓者之际,他们遗憾地输掉这役(122-126)。由于东契奇与莱夫利受伤,以及PJ·华盛顿和纳吉·马绍尔停赛,只好由欧文单枪匹马拼尽全力砍下46评分。同时丁威迪取得17评分8 籃 和 加 福 德 拿 下15 分9 篮 板。本轮迎接国王挑战,即使 莱 富 利 出 戴 概 念 不 大 , PJ · 华 盛 顿 解 禁回归必定会增强内线实力。本賽季獨行俠場外表現優異(10勝6負), 本輪對陣狀態低迷國王預計將再次倚重歐文作为主要攻击点,不过要想取勝还须其他角色如克莱・汤普森给于更多支持。
Main Team Sacramento Kings:
The King's current record is poor with only a win-loss of 13 wins and19 losses, placing them in the West's twelfth position while averaging115 points but losing114 .2points per game.In their last match against the Lakers,Kings lost by scoreof132 -122 which marked another defeat for temporary coachChristi taking overthis team as they are now on six consecutive losses.Fox had29 scoreswith five reboundsand twelve assists; DeRozan scored twenty-five withsix reboundsand sevenassistswhile Sabonis netted fourteen scoring alongsidetwelve boards andseven assists.The kingsneed to quickly recover from this slump iftheywant tomake it into playoff contention since they trailby three-and-a-half gamesfrom that spot.Sacramento has struggledat home too,havingonly won six outoffourteen matches.A key factorbehindthis underperformanceis mismatchedrecruitsand tactics.King’spreviously reliedon fast-breaks thatconfusedopponentsbutaftertradingforDeRozanthistime aroundtheir offensehas stalled.Additionally,the entireteam currently appearsto be off-shoot leadingthemintoa quagmire.Core playerFoxrecently sparkedrumorsthathecouldbe leavingwhichmay furtheraffectoverallperformances.henceKingsarecurrentlyinagrappling state.
In recent six confrontations between both teams,it stands atthree victories apiece. < br /> All opinions presented within this article solely reflect those of the author and do not represent any stance held by betting platforms.Data provided here should strictly serveas reference purposes only.< / P >