







记者: 今晚你的助攻与进球比率很高,有31次入球和25次助攻,你多久没见到如此传球配合呢? < p >< strong > 科尔: 确实已经很久没见到了,但这和整场比赛状态有关。在篮球里,一切都是互相关联的。当我们做好防守、抢下篮板,就容易发起快攻。同时,即便是在命中之后保持推进速度也是至关重要。我觉得德雷蒙德在这一点上做得特别好,他一直维持着比赛节奏并鼓励队友跑动展开进攻。

< p >< s trong > 记 者 : 如果今 晚 有 一 件事 能够 解锁 你们 的 攻势 , 你 会认 为 是 防 守 吗 ? < p >< s trong > 科 尔 : 我 不 相 信 是 单 一 的 因 素 , 更 加 多 地 是 我 们 今 天 所 看 到 的 各 种 要素共同作用 。 积 极 的 防 守 、 快 節 奏 推 动 球 场 和 分享 球 权 都是 必须发展的公式 。 我 对 当前轮换阵容感到满意。丹尼斯(施罗德)是一名优秀的一对一防守者,可以从开始阶段就限制像马克西这样的选手,对于我们来说无疑是巨大的优势。他不仅设定了良好的防守基调,还有效推动团队运转。他是一位快节奏控卫,也被要求要更加迅猛。如果他此刻不掌握控球权,那他必须尽快向前冲,而不是回头去接应。这对于刚加入球队的人而言确实需要适应。但看来他正在慢慢融入我们的体系,其外线表现真的改变游戏,让面对其他球队的时候拥有更多选择空间。

< P >< S TRONG > 报 道员: 库里超越迈克尔·乔 丹成为35岁以上后卫 中30+ 得分次数最多 的运动员, 在职业生涯这个阶段作为 后 卫 打 出如 此 表现 难度 如何? < / STRONG></ P>

 Cole:I believe one of the most underrated abilities of Stephen is his endurance and excellent physical condition. He has put in a lot of effort over the years for this achievement. If you look at pictures from when he first entered the league compared to now, it’s like looking at two different people. Not only has he improved his fitness but also continuously refined his skills throughout these years.

The way he's learned to play through fatigue—becoming not just stronger and more enduring but maintaining or even enhancing his skill level while facing tight defenses—is quite remarkable.

Your reporter:You were planning on substituting him out during the third quarter?

Cole:I was indeed considering that substitution. But then Dennis asked me if we should give him another chance, so I said okay! Therefore, Dennis stayed on court; jokingly told him “If he misses it’s your fault!” Fortunately, Steph made it and later during our timeout we asked whether he'd prefer staying in or coming off—he opted for finishing there!

>P>This season you've mentioned wanting to condense your rotation; do you feel you're starting to achieve that goal?
..Cole: We’ve always aimed for this but have faced challenges with injuries and lineup changes influencing us along the way. However recently we've consciously focused on establishing a consistent rotation as evidenced by Looney's absence due recent games where I'm pretty sure it's been three straight ones without either player being available meaning we're trying hard solidifying things here. Of course having everyone healthy creates its own set difficulties too since players such as Podziemski & Gary (Payton) are likely returning soon which adds depth into an already talented roster many capable contributing minutes whenever called upon makes finding balance tricky especially seen last game trailing by ten points heading into halftime I'd still prioritize deploying necessary personnel onto floor accordingly.... <
>Your report mentions Curry becoming NBA history's first player hitting eight threes going perfect alongside dishing out ten assists - did you know about this fact?” Cole:
How did y'all find all these stats? Reporter:
This also marks highest number achieved under full shooting efficiency ever recorded.
Having witnessed countless incredible feats performed by Curry what felt watching tonight unfold before eyes?< br /> Coach:Cole
It truly brought joy seeing how well he's played particularly loved sixth trey attempt banked-in shot right?! He deserves every bit recognition earned after everything endured glad rewarded showing up consistently night after night fans coaches alike spoiled witnessing greatness firsthand let's cherish moments shared knowing won't be permanent presence among us however lucky enough see artistry displayed repeatedly never tire marveling talent exemplifies modern basketball excellence!