(原文发布于2月7日,作者是ESPN撰稿人Kevin Pelton,文章内容不代表译者观点。)



  • 亚特兰大老鹰队得到:
    • 后卫卡里斯-勒韦尔
    • 前锋乔治-尼昂
    • 三个次轮选秀权(2027年、2029年、2031年)
    • 两个未来的选秀权互换权(2026年、2028年)
  • 克利夫兰骑士队得到:
    • 前锋德安德烈-亨特     < / ul >

      < strong > 克利夫兰骑士队:A -

      This week’s trade activity focused on veteran teams hoping to contend rather than true championship contenders. This is the first major mid-season reinforcement for Cleveland, which seeks to translate its current best record in the East into deeper playoff success.

      The addition of Hunter, who has only played 16 postseason games so far, brings a valuable “3D+” skill set that suits the rigors of playoff basketball well. He excels as an individual defender and offers more shot creation compared to other wing players alongside Cleveland's four All-Stars.


      Earning a backup role behind rookie sensation Zachary Rissache doesn’t diminish Hunter’s impressive performance this season; he averages 19.0 points per game—3.4 points higher than his previous career-best. His growth includes becoming a more aggressive three-point shooter with attempts rising from just under six last year to over six-and-a-half this season at an impressive rate of nearly 39% accuracy.


      This shift towards high-value three-pointers reflects significant change: during the previous season (2022–23), he attempted almost as many two-pointers outside the paint (212) as threes (286). Now in contrast, he's taken significantly more threes (247) while reducing his long twos down to just over one hundred attempts (101). Notably, his effective field goal percentage has jumped from 56.3% up to around 61.6%. The value of these shooting choices cannot be underestimated.

      Cleveland traded minimal assets regarding draft picks since their swap rights may not result in immediate consequences due mainly because they don't expect substantial returns based on their current standings against Atlanta or Utah by those future seasons involved in trades made recently involving pick swaps ahead." 在薪资方面,这笔交易对骑士来说风险较高。随着莫布里和米切尔在下赛季续约合同生效,他们将面临越来越大的财政压力。 一旦这些球员工资上涨,要保持阵容深度以争夺东部冠军将始终是一项挑战。 在第二土豪线时代,一个短期争冠窗口可能意味着现在最大化机会比节省为一个遥不可及的未来更重要。因此,我认为,在没有詹姆斯带领球队以来最令人期待的一次季后赛征程开始之前采取积极进取态度是正确选择。 亚特兰大老鹰队:C- 尽管亨特本赛季表现出色,但他并不是老鹰队首发侧翼阵容的一部分。这支球队正在朝着年轻方向发展,以Rissache作为主力,并有意培养戴森·丹尼尔斯。在这种情况下,将亨特送走似乎是在平衡他们未来薪资结构。 不过,用这样一位优秀且性价比较高的球员交换回来的资产显得相对不足。在与快船达成关于博格丹·博格达诺维奇的另一次交易中,老鹰们削减了他们到20526年的总薪金,也让我们看到这支团队对于财务健康进行了一定考量。 目前尚不清楚如何利用新获得的钱,因为包括现任自由身球员如勒韦尔和近期被奥孔武替代位置上的凯帕拉等,都未必能获得优先考虑。然而,从某种程度上来看,新加入的勒韦尔可以成为替补席中的强援,为曾经担任的重要角色再次发挥价值。而杰罗姆崛起虽然减少了他的上场时间,却也使得其三分命中率稳定提升至职业生涯最高40%。 或许更值得注意的是,通过引入NBA常胜军成员之一——乔治·尼昂,使整体实力有所增强。从爵士时期便跟随教练奎因·斯奈德多年来积累经验,他已习惯赢得比赛。过去四个赛季内所处之团队均打进过季后赛第二轮,而去年即便面对艰难局势仍取得48胜34负佳绩。但需要警惕的是,在防守端存在缺陷的问题可能会暴露出来,不过作为替补身份,其外线投射能力无疑给球队增添了竞争优势。